
James Medly Doel was born in 1804 at Maiden Bradley in Wiltshire, England, and at the age of five moved to live in Plymouth, where in adulthood he took to the stage.

Thus started a long and fruitful career on the provincial stage in south-west England, managing theatres at Devonport, Plymouth, Torquay, Teignmouth, Barnstaple, as well as appearing in London.

His was a long and varied life, taking in roles as tragedian, stand-up comedian, theatrical manager and entreprenuer, race-course and regatta caterer, licensed victualler, prize winning caged bird exhibitor and judge, and at the end of his long life, “Doyen of the Theatrical Profession.”

Please read my BIOGRAPHY about the life and works of James Doel, I hope you will find it useful. Please leave a comment if you have any queries about James.

I must here express my thanks to Plymouth Library Services for providing access to the materials, and allowing me to reproduce images on this weblog.



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